"South African National Convention Declaration"

As adopted at the meeting in Sandton November 1 2008

South African National Convention Declaration

"It's about YOU, our Constitution and our Country"


We, citizens of South Africa, gathered here today, as our forefathers and foremothers have done before in an imbizo;

Proud of our history of struggle and the achievement of freedom by the people of our country over the last fifteen years of freedom and democracy, and confident of our abilities to exceed these achievements;

Recognizing our responsibility to protect, and defend the Constitution;

Determined to ensure that the freedom that our people won is defended and our society is built on the values that are enshrined in the Freedom Charter and in the Constitution;

United in our resolve to establish a united, non-sexist, non-racial, democratic and inclusive society and a South African identity we all share;

Committed to the improvement of the social conditions and the lives of our people, to free the potential of each person, and to strengthen social cohesion,

Hereby declares

1. Supremacy of the Constitution

  • The Constitution enshrines the values of freedom, democracy, human dignity, the achievement of equality and of human rights and freedoms for all.
  • The Constitution also places obligations and responsibilities on all of our citizens, to respect each others rights, freedom and choices, but also to act in solidarity and community with one another,
  • We therefore seek to mobilize all South Africans in defending our democracy and the constitution.
  • We also commit to defend the constitution as the supreme law of the Republic.

2. Building Social Cohesion, based on Values we can all Defend

  • We are a diverse society and we are a good nation, because of this diversity we believe we can be great,
  • The foundation of our society is based on the premise that we are united in our diversity
  • We therefore undertake to redouble our efforts to build and strengthen a cohesive society that celebrates diversity by upholding the fundamental values of respect, integrity, ubuntu, compassion, openness, and solidarity

3. Freedom And Equality Before The Law

  • We believe in our Constitutional tenet which assets that all citizens are equal before the law.
  • We accordingly asserts that no citizen can be above the law, whatever their circumstance
  • We reject strongly the implied threat to rule of law in the behaviour and actions of certain political players in our country
  • We therefore resolve to defend the right of equality before the law.
  • We further resolve to defend the right to freedom of association, of speech and free political activity

4. Participatory Democracy

  • We believe in political system premised on open, transparent and regular dialogue with all South Africans and the regular refreshing of the mandate for our political representatives,
  • We believe organised citizens should be able to take direct responsibility for some of their concerns and to exercise effective oversight over the leaders they choose at elections.
  • We believe that our electoral system should allow for ongoing dialogue on political, economic and social issues through more direct and diverse electoral structures and process.
  • We therefore resolve that electoral reform must take place where all the public representatives must be elected directly to improve public accountability.

The conveners of this convention are hereby mandated to continue to:

  • Engage with the people of South Africa, other political parties, different sectors of our society including women, youth, business, farmers, rural communities so that we can together continue to find ways to defend our democracy and build social cohesion.
  • Democracy therefore must mean more than just voting once in five years, it must include participation in active economic life, in security of our people from crime, joblessness, poverty, lack of education and diseases especially HIV/AIDS.

Source: SA national convention website