Tlakula should step down from IEC - EFF

Fighters says the commission, and particularly its head, must be of great moral standing and reputation (March 18)

EFF Calls on head of IEC to be removed following national treasury forensic investigation report

18, March, 2014

Economic Freedom Fighters welcomes the decision of the Independent Electoral Commission to publish the Forensic Investigation Report that has confirmed the finding of the National Protector about corruption associated with the Head of IEC. On the 05 March, 2014 EFF wrote a letter to the IEC indicating that the forensic report must be released publicly with a view to take to court in the instance of IEC's refusal.

This is despite the fact that all other parties standing in the elections wanted the report to be withheld and only released after the elections. EFF is the only party that refused and insisted that those who run independent institutions like the IEC must be of integrity. There must never be doubt cast on their moral repute, yet the Public Protector's report had already cast doubt that the head of so critical an institution to our democracy is, to say the least negligent and spends public resources without restrain.

The Treasury's Forensic Investigation report has indeed found that Adv. Tlakula gave an instruction that the procurement process to be followed for the procurement of new head office premises was not in terms of the Electoral Commission policy or procedure. This has led to the contravention of the Public Finance Management Act to an excess of R110 million.

In addition the Public Protector's report earlier found that Adv. Tlakula had failed to declare a conflict of interest when she awarded the contract to Abland, a company partly owned by Mr Mufamadi, who was her business partner in a separate firm. Mr. Mufamadi is chairperson of Manaka Property Investments, which owns a 20 percent stake in Abland.

Adv. Tlakula must be immediately released from her duties in this honourable position of head of the IEC and be investigated and, as the report specifies, held accountable. 2014 elections promise to be the most contested since the inauguration of South Africa's democracy. Members of the Independent Electoral Commission, particularly the head, must be of great moral standing and reputation. They must be able to win the public's confidence in their ability to be fair, just and possess good judgment, Adv. Tlakula has failed this task and through her own conduct she has betrayed the public's confidence.

Statement issued by the Economic Freedom Fighters, March 18 2014

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