"Breakfast of death!" - Daily Sun

"Rat poison kills little friends" - front page lead, February 17 2015

Daily Sun (February 17 2015) - IN A DESPERATE attempt to save the children, Busisiwe picked them up and ran from the creche to her shack. She put the kids in the bath, hoping she could save their lives - but it didn't help.


Weeping gogo Busisiwe Sikwane (44) said her heart is torn apart.

"This was a double tragedy that I couldn't handle. I was confused. I didn't know what to do," said

Busisiwe described her morning of horror to Daily Sun.

She said she took Hlalamathi Sikwane, her grandson, and Nokuphiwe Zwane, a little girl who lived in the area, to creche in the Chris Hani section of Tembisa, Ekurhuleni.

Vuyelwa Sikwane (21), Busisiwe's daughter and the mother of Hlalamathi, had left for work.

Vuyelwa's friend, Pretty Sithebe and the mother of Nokuphiwe, had fed the two children.

But soon after Busisiwe had left the children at the creche she received a phone call telling her Hlalamathi had collapsed and was foaming at the mouth.

"I ran back to the creche. Not only was Hlalamathi sick, but I found that Nokuphiwa had also collapsed," she said.

She said she took the kids home.

In a desperate bid to save their lives, she bathed them, hoping it would help, but it was too late.

Both children died.

Pretty, who had eaten the rest of the food, also became sick.

"She was also poisoned," said the gogo. "We gave her fresh milk to drink and she was lucky to recover."

Busisiwe took the two children back to the creche where they were declared dead by emergency services officials.

She said when they checked the pot, there was black stuff around the rim.

"Cops who came to the scene told us they think it was galephirimi, which is poison used to kill rats," said gogo.

The gogo said the two children always made her laugh.

"I can't see myself living without them. They were innocent. They have never fought with anyone in their lives."

She said she doesn't know how the poison ended up in the food. Neighbours where the two mothers live said there was a big fight on Sunday involving Pretty and her boyfriend. Busisiwe confirmed the fight.

"I don't know what they were fighting about but it was a big fight," she said.

Cops took the pot for tests.

The mothers of the two kids were too emotional to speak to Daily Sun yesterday.

Ivory Park police spokeswoman Warrant Officer Neldah Sekgobela said inquest dockets were opened at the station.

"Police will wait for the post mortem results to confirm that the children were poisoned," she said.

See the Daily Sun's new website for more on this and other stories....


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