Our progress in provision of primary healthcare services – Gauteng Health

Dept says access to health care services is improving using the various community outreach services

Gauteng Health making progress in provision of primary healthcare services

26 November 2019

The Gauteng Department of Health has increased the access to health at community level through the integrated school health programme, and as result 88 200 Grade 1 school learners were screened for various learning barriers exceeding the target of 74 000. In addition to that, 48 818 Grade 8 leaners were also screened, representing approximately 5% increased of screening coverage compared to 2017/2018 financial year.

The access to health care services is improving using the various community outreach services. To date, primary prevention services are provided by 791 Ward Based Outreach teams (WBOTs), with 3 374 445 visits done by the team. About 490 518 patients received their treatment through the chronic medicine programme at convenient locations. This programme is a partnership with various private-health facilities where chronic patients can collect their medication closer to home or place of work.

With regards to HIV/AIDS, the Department has tested over 3 253 783 patients for HIV (inclusive of pregnant women) exceeding the target of 2 641 848. In addition the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) positivity test at 10 weeks was maintained below the threshold which indicates the positive effect of Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission (PMTC) programme.

As a result of increasing number of healthcare facilities providing daily antenatal care (ANC), 66% of ANC patients presented before 20 weeks gestational period positively impacted on the performance. With regards to reproductive health, 183 719 women over the age of 30, have been screened for cervical cancer.

The Department surpassed its revenue target by R274million (approximately 54%) in the last financial year and again in the second quarter for the currently financial due to additional payment by Justice and increased patient fees.

As part of improving efficiencies and building high reliability in the organisation, the department now has 12 hospitals that are implementing lean management and as one of the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) it will be rolling out Lean to remaining hospitals

The Department’s Annual and Second Quarter Reports were tabled at the Gauteng Legislature, Health Portfolio Committee public meeting held at Kokosi Community Hall in the West Rand on the 22 November 2019.

Issued by Kwara Kekana, Spokesperson, MEC for Health, 26 November 2019