Ehrenreich's deadline on fire fighter issue nonsensical - Patricia de Lille

Cape Town mayor says allowances governed by 2007 collective agreement - which she cannot unilaterally alter

The problem for Mr Ehrenreich of wearing two hats is that neither of them fit

As a trade union leader, Tony Ehrenreich should really be expected to understand the collective bargaining process and respect Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) processes. However, his recent pronouncements on aspects of the City's Fire and Rescue Service collective agreement indicates that he clearly does not do either.

I would have expected that Mr Ehrenreich would be familiar with contents of the collective agreement related to this matter which was signed between IMATU and SAMWU and the City of Cape Town as long ago as 2007.

This agreement currently does not make provision for a shift allowance of the kind he is now demanding. As is their right, SAMWU has lodged a complaint with the CCMA on this matter.

Last week the CCMA issued a certificate of non-resolution. This entitles SAMWU to refer the matter to the Labour Court if they so wish. I would have expected Mr Ehrenreich to know that it is a rule that what transpired during the conciliation remains private and without prejudice, in the interests of all parties to the dispute.

Instead of respecting the legally defined dispute process, Mr Ehrenreich has given me, as the Mayor, an arbitrary deadline of Friday to acquiesce to his demand. He has not even bothered to do so formally in writing. Again, Mr Ehrenreich should know that I, as the Mayor, cannot unilaterally intervene in a collective agreement, undermine the CCMA process or subvert future legal processes related to this matter.

Whilst I have become used to Mr Ehrenreich's obvious lack of understanding of Council processes, I am truly surprised that when he is wearing his other hat, that of union leader, that he exposes his lack of expertise in this area as well. But then again that is the problem with wearing two hats, when neither of them fits.

Statement issued by Executive Mayor of Cape Town, Alderman Patricia de Lille, July 10 2013

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