Gauteng’s vulnerable residents will starve – Refiloe Nt’sekhe

DA MPL says provincial food banks have run out of stock and many vulnerable residents will have a bleak festive season

Gauteng’s vulnerable residents will starve as food banks run out of stock

13 December 2023

The most vulnerable residents of Gauteng, who are solely dependent on the Department of Social Development (DSD) for food, will starve as the provincial food banks have run out of stock.

After having received numerous complaints from vulnerable Gauteng residents, the DA embarked on an oversight inspection to the Ekurhuleni and Tshwane food banks where we discovered that they have indeed run dry.

People living with chronic illnesses are the most affected, as they will need food to take medication as will those who receive food parcels from the department.

This is unacceptable and demonstrates the incompetence and lack of planning by the Gauteng MEC for Social Development, Mbali Hlophe.

This means that the most vulnerable residents will have a bleak festive season with no food.

The DA will write to MEC Mbali Hlophe to ascertain why the food banks have run out of stock, when will the stock be available, and whether there are contingencies planned to ensure that residents dependent on food banks have access to food.

Issued by Refiloe Nt’sekhe, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Social Development, 13 December 2023