Whistleblower suspension highlights deep rot in Gauteng Health – Jack Bloom

DA MPL says reality is that the GHD protects cadres who allow corruption and inefficiency to thrive

Whistleblower suspension highlights deep rot in Gauteng Health

21 May 2024

I am gravely concerned by the suspension of an official at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital who has queried alleged irregularities in the appointment of the hospital CEO Dr Nthabiseng Makgana.

This follows complaints by workers and the hospital’s HR department that Makgana lacks the necessary experience and qualifications.

Adding to the scandal is that the suspension of the whistleblowing official was signed off by Ms Basani Baloyi, the Deputy Director-General: Corporate Services in the Gauteng Health Department. Gauteng Health MEC Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko has refused to reverse her appointment as recommended by a Public Service Commission report which found that she was appointed irregularly.

The reality is that the Gauteng Health Department protects cadre deployments who allow corruption and inefficiency to thrive.

They chew up the enormous Gauteng Health Budget (R64.8 billion this year) and ensure that vitally needed reforms never take place.

Hospital patients are the prime victims of the deep rot in this department.

It is outrageous that the MEC refuses to review the appointment of the Bara Hospital CEO, and refuses to implement the PSC recommendation on Ms Baloyi.

The MEC also lies blatantly that all surgery backlogs have been eliminated.

If voters want real improvement in Gauteng hospitals they need to vote for the DA, which has an extensive plan to improve public health in our province.

Issued by Jack Bloom, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Health, 21 May 2024